⚡️ Lupin having presence in 100 countries and making a wide range of branded and generic formulations reported net profit jump of 35% to Rs. 390 crore v/s Rs.289.56 crore in Q4FY20.  Add.      

⚡️ Infosys is reportedly trimming its work force to cut costs. This may be a sign of a slowdown. Sell now, buy later.      

⚡️ Voltas NP rose 13% Rs.160 crore in Q4FY20 on just 1.3% rise in revenue. The share price is expected to rebound. Add.      

⚡️ Polycab India reported a 52.4% rise in NP to Rs.213.94 crore in spite of 13.6% decline in net sales to Rs.2129.38 crore in Q4FY20 over Q4FY19. This is a good long term investment bet. Add.      

⚡️ Jubilant Life Sciences consolidated net profit shot up to Rs.260.49 crore in Q4FY20 from a net loss of Rs.100.65 crore in Q4FY19.  Despite the ongoing capex, its net debt is also decreasing. A good buy.      

⚡️ An Ahmedabad based analyst recommends IOLChemicals & Pharmaceuticals, India Gelatine Chemicals ,Kriti Industries (India) , Nitta Gelatin India and Ponni Sugars (Erode).     

⚡️ Ashok Leyland reported 90% decline in total sales of 1,277 units for May 2020 v/s 12,778 units in May 2019. Still a good time to sell.      

⚡️ As per reports, Pfizer and AstraZeneca are very close to developing the COVID-19 vaccine which would be ready by October end. Both these shares deserve to be bought.      

⚡️ Prince Pipes, the 5th largest plastic pipes manufacturer with 5% market share of a Rs 30,000 cr industry making pipes for agriculture, plumbing and infrastructure, is available 60% below its IPO price. A good buy at the current price.      

⚡️ Royal Enfield exports have slumped 68% to 684 units in May 2020 from 2,160 units in May 2019. Due to the economic slowdown, it would be prudent to sell Eicher Motors  now and buy later.      

⚡️ Shoba Ltd. has started looking good on the charts again. Higher volumes and rising prices indicate of better times ahead. Start adding.      

⚡️ Ultramarine & Pigments posted fairly good numbers for Q4FY20 and also for the full year of FY20. The waning of the Chinese industry will also give a big fillip to this company. Add at current rates.      

⚡️ Tata Power aims to sell its non-core assets and recast its  green energy business. A good long term share to add.      

⚡️ With the revival of e-business, Gati Ltd.  should be one of the biggest beneficiaries. The share is available at less than half its peak price. Buy.      

⚡️ Britannia Industries consolidated net profit surged 26% to Rs 374.75 cr on stagnant sales of Rs. 2809 cr. in Q4FY20. This evergreen FMGC share deserves a place in every portfolio. Buy. 

What do you think? Please email us any questions or comments.

Disclaimer: Information contained herein is not and should not be construed as an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to buy or sell securities. It is for educational purposes only.



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