India-China border tensions: Casualties on both sides, Indian Army says

India-China-border-tensions-Casualties-on-both-sides- Indian-Army-says

What Exactly Happened??

An Indian Army officer and two soldiers were killed in Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh on Monday night during a violent face-off with the Chinese troops, the Army said in a statement

A large number of Indian and Chinese troops were engaged in an eyeball-to-eyeball situation in Galwan Valley and certain other areas of eastern Ladakh for the last five weeks.

The last time Indian soldiers were killed along the LAC between India and China was when an Assam Rifles patrol was ambushed in Arunachal Pradesh in 1975, leading to the death of four Indian jawans.

The Indian and Chinese troops apparently clashed with rods and stones, much like what had happened on the north bank of Pangong Tso (Tso means lake) on May 5 and 6, which had left several soldiers on both sides injured and led to the military buildups all along the 3,488-km-long Line of Actual Control.


Indian Army Statements

Army sources say the soldiers were not shot but were killed in hand-to-hand combat on Indian Territory

1. During the de-escalation process underway in the Galwan Valley, a violent face-off took place yesterday night with casualties on both sides. The loss of lives on the Indian side includes an officer and two soldiers.

2. There was no shootout or gunshot wounds, say sources. "There was no firing. No firearms were used. It was violent hand-to-hand scuffles

3. Beijing, in an aggressive statement, accused India of crossing the border, "attacking Chinese personnel

4. China's Foreign Ministry was quoted by Reuters as saying India should not take unilateral actions or stir up trouble.

5. The Chinese Army had earlier pulled back its troops from the Galwan valley, PP-15 and Hot Springs in Eastern Ladakh area.

6. The Indian side also brought back some of its troops and vehicles from these areas.


Why are tensions brewing up between India and China – The Bottom-line Analysis.

As per our International Relations Expert Mr Dey, tensions have erupted between India and China after the construction of the 255 Km-long strategic Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie (DSDBO) road by BRO

It includes eight bridges capable of carrying tons of military infrastructure and armoured vehicles

The use of the strategic road by the Indian security forces from Leh has helped in reducing the travel time between Leh and DBO to six hours. Earlier, the travel time between the two locations was significantly higher.

China is angry as India blocked Chinese construction activities in POK, made in line with the most expensive infrastructure project in the world commonly known as “One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR)”

The OBOR initiative was announced in 2013 by China’s President Xi Jinping. The ‘Belt’ refers to the ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’, which is a series of overland routes reminiscent of the Silk Road of antiquity and the late middle ages, while the ‘Road’ refers to the sea routes, which is also referred to as the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

The OBOR has been referred to as the “Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)” since 2016 due to the Chinese government’s consideration of the word ‘one’ is prone to misinterpretation. The Chinese media however still refers to it as the One Belt One Road to this day.

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